little nemo artinya
- Little Nemo is a fictional character created by American cartoonist Winsor McCay.
Little Nemo adalah sebuah karakter fiksi yang dibuat oleh kartunis Amerika Winsor McCay. - McCay used a bet as a plot device, as he had previously in the Little Nemo film.
McCay memakai sebuah perantara sebagai perangkat alur, seperti yang ia sebelumnya lakukan dalam film Little Nemo. - One of the earliest animated films, it was McCay's first, and featured characters from McCay's comic strip Little Nemo in Slumberland.
Film ini menampilkan karakter dari komik pertama McCay yaitu Little Nemo in Slumberland. - He wins the bet with four minutes of animation in which the Little Nemo characters perform, interact, and metamorphose to McCay's whim.
Ia memenangkan taruhan tersebut dengan aniasi empat menit dengan karakter Little Nemo menggambarkan karakter McCay. - He followed up Little Nemo with How a Mosquito Operates in 1912 and his best-known film, Gertie the Dinosaur, in 1914.
Ia melanjutkan Little Nemo dengan film animasinya berikutnya yaitu How a Mosquito Operates pada tahun 1912 serta Gertie the Dinosaur pada tahun 1914. - McCay's first film starred his Little Nemo characters and debuted in movie theatres in 1911; he soon incorporated it into his vaudeville act.
Film pertama karya McCay dibintangi oleh karakter-karakter Little Nemo-nya dan melakukan debut di bioskop-bioskop pada 1911; ia kemudian mencantumkannya dalam aksi vaudeville-nya. - Although Gertie is popularly thought to be the earliest animated film, McCay had earlier made Little Nemo (1911) and How a Mosquito Operates (1912).
Walaupun Gertie populer dianggap sebagai film animasi yang pertama, sebelumnya McCay pernah membuat Little Nemo (1911) dan How a Mosquito Operates (1912). - Little Nemo debuted in movie theatres on April 8, 1911, and four days later McCay began using it as part of his vaudeville act.
Little Nemo ditayangkan perdana di bioskop pada tanggal 8 April 1911 dan empat hari setelahnya, McCay mulai menggunakannya sebagai bagian dari aksi vaudeville-nya. - Winsor McCay was widely renowned as the father of the animated cartoon, having converted his cartoon strip Little Nemo into a 10-minute feature film, co-directing it along with J. Stuart Blackton, released on April 8, 1911.
Winsor McCay banyak dikenal sebagai bapak kartun animasi, yang mengkonversi strip kartunnya Little Nemo menjadi film fitur, melakukan kerjasama penyutradaraan bersama dengan J. Stuart Blackton, dan dirilis pada 8 April 1911. ^ Winsor McCay - IMDb - Winsor McCay (c. 1867–71 – 1934) had worked prolifically as a commercial artist and cartoonist by the time he started making newspaper comic strips such as Dream of the Rarebit Fiend (1904–11) and his signature strip Little Nemo (1905–14).
Winsor McCay (kr. 1867–71 – 1934) telah bekerja untuk mencari laba sebagai artis komersial dan kartunis pada masa ia mulai membuat strip-strip komik surat kabar seperti Dream of the Rarebit Fiend (1904–11) dan signature strip-nya Little Nemo (1905–14).